Easily Clean Sneakers with Baking Soda

Everyone loves the look of white sneakers; they're a classic style statement that pairs well with almost anything. But keeping them in that perfect, clean state is a challenge we all face. This article will guide you through the steps to breathe new life into your sneakers using something as simple as baking soda. It's about giving those beloved shoes a makeover, making them shine bright once again.

Preparing Your White Sneakers for Baking Soda Cleaning


Prepping Your Sneakers for a Baking Soda Clean-Up!

Let's dive straight into a sneaker rescue mission! Sparkling white sneakers pretty much scream 'new' and 'look at me, being all clean and pretty.' However, let's be real – our beloved sneakers barely remain in that pristine state for long. Cheers to the unstoppable adventurers but boo to the mud splatters, right? Well, fear not. I've got a step-by-step guide on how to prep your sneakers for a baking soda makeover that'll turn back time.

1. Gather Your Cavalry

  • Baking soda
  • Water
  • Hydrogen peroxide (optional)
  • Toothbrush or soft brush

The aim is to make these sneakers so clean they'll dazzle the sun right back into the sky (or at least, so we hope).

2. Unlace to Embrace

Begin by removing the laces. We often overlook this step, mistaking it as trivial, but trust me, there's nothing adorable about clean sneakers sporting dirty laces. Shake off any loose dirt while you're at it to avoid turning your cleaning paste into a weirdly textured mess.

3. Loose Dirt, Be Gone!

Now let's knock off the easy-to-remove dirt. Using a dry brush, give your sneakers a good once-over. This isn't about meticulous cleaning (yet); just focus on evicting the bigger dirt particles and debris hanging out on your sneakers.

4. Time for a Slight Dampness

You want your sneakers to be slightly damp before you introduce them to the baking soda paste – not drenched, just primarily damp. This step ensures that the baking soda paste sticks just where you need it to and does its magic effectively.

5. The Star of the Show: Baking Soda Paste

Here, magic happens. Mix a tablespoon of baking soda with half a tablespoon of water, and if you have it handy, add half a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide. This concoction is your knight in shining armor, waiting to whisk your sneakers off to a cleaner realm. A real Cinderella story, if you ask me.

With all the preparation done right, you're all set to transform your sneakers with the enchanting powers of baking soda. Remember, sometimes all you need is a bit of elbow grease and a sprinkle of bicarbonate – because, in the great quest for cleanliness, baking soda is undoubtedly your trusty steed. Let the battle against grime begin!

A pair of white sneakers being cleaned with baking soda paste

Creating the Baking Soda Cleaning Mixture


Prepping for Outdoor Drying

  1. Take your sneakers outside to let them bask in the sun. A sunny spot is your best friend in this step because the sun acts as a natural whitening agent. In fact, the sun's ultraviolet rays have been shown to have bleaching properties that can help to whiten and brighten fabrics.1 Plus, it helps the baking soda paste do its job even better.
  2. If the weather isn't cooperative, don't worry. Find the sunniest spot inside your home, by a window perhaps, and let your sneakers enjoy a warm, bright afternoon indoors. Our goal is sunlight exposure but avoid direct exposure to intense heat sources like heaters to prevent any potential damage to your shoes.

Letting the Sunshine Do Its Work

  1. Let your sneakers sit in the sun for at least 3-4 hours, preferably longer if you've got time. This isn't something to rush. The sun and the paste combo are working together to lift those stubborn stains and brighten up your kicks.
  2. Check on them periodically. If the paste has completely dried and starts to crack, they're ready for the next step.

The Big Reveal

  1. Once the paste has dried and cracked, start by gently clapping the shoes together over a trash can or sink to knock off the bulk of the dried paste. You'll see a lot of the gunk coming off already, which is a great sign.
  2. Grab a clean soft brush or an old toothbrush (make sure it's dry) and carefully brush off the remaining paste. Do this with care so as not to rough up the fabric of your sneakers.
  3. For any stubborn bits left, or areas around the creases, use a slightly damp cloth to gently wipe away the paste residue. This ensures that your sneakers look evenly clean and there are no patches of paste left behind.

Finishing Touches

  1. Don't forget about those laces! If you dunked them in the leftover paste earlier, now's the time to rinse them out thoroughly under running water until they're completely paste-free. Let them air dry fully along with your sneakers.
  2. Once both your sneakers and laces are dry, lace them up! Your sneakers should look quite a bit brighter and cleaner than when you started.

Sneaker care is just like taking care of anything you love. A little effort goes a long way. Maybe you'll find this baking soda method so effective that it becomes your go-to for keeping those whites bright and clean. Give those sneakers a new lease on life and step out in style!

A pair of white sneakers being cleaned with baking soda paste, sitting in the sun to dry, with a brush and damp cloth nearby

Applying and Cleaning with the Baking Soda Mixture

Now that you've seen the magic of sunshine and baking soda paste work wonders on your sneakers, let's move onto maintaining that bright-white look for as long as possible. It's all about keeping those clean sneakers looking freshly scrubbed and avoiding that immediate slide back to dingy.

When you enter your home, make it a routine to give your sneakers a quick once-over with a dry microfiber cloth. Doing so catches any immediate dirt or dust before it has a chance to settle in. Think of it like wiping your feet but with an extra step for your kicks' benefit.

Water stains can also be a sneaker's downfall, turning pristine white into a splotchy mess. To combat this, always ensure your sneakers get a chance to fully dry after any cleaning session or an unexpected run through the rain. And here's a pro tip: stuff your sneakers with white paper towels to absorb moisture and help maintain their shape as they dry.2

But what happens when life throws more at your sneakers than your everyday cleaning routine can handle? Spot cleaning becomes your best friend. The second you notice a new stain, grab that trusty microfiber cloth dampened with a little water and gently dab at the trouble spot. For those more stubborn stains, revert back to the baking soda paste, but apply it only to the stained area. A little targeted TLC can prevent a full-on cleaning session down the line.

Another crucial step in the sneaker preservation game is storage. Keep your sneakers in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight when not in use. Sun exposure can cause bleaching or yellowing, and high humidity levels encourage unpleasant odors.3 Think of your closet as their sanctuary.

For all the adventurers out there trekking the city streets or hitting the park trails, consider rotating through several pairs of sneakers. Not only does this keep your style fresh, but it also gives each pair a break, cutting down on wear and tear and stretching their lifespan.

Remember that sneakers, like any other part of your wardrobe, have their life cycle. Regular maintenance extends that cycle, but all heroes fade eventually. When you start noticing irreparable wear or can't get them as clean as they once were, it may be time for a new beginning. Honor your sneakers' service by recycling them if possible and treat yourself to a fresh pair, armed with the knowledge to keep them sparkling.

A pair of white sneakers being cleaned with baking soda paste, a microfiber cloth, and white paper towels. The sneakers look bright and well-maintained.

By following these steps, you give your sneakers a chance to dazzle once more and learn the importance of regular care in extending their lifespan. It's amazing how something as accessible as baking soda can play such a crucial role in sneaker care. Lace up those freshly cleaned sneakers and step out with confidence knowing they're at their best, thanks to a little love and attention.

  1. Ren, L., et al. "Studies on the bleaching mechanism of wool fabric with UV/H2O2." Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 217, 2019, pp. 573-580.
  2. Hutten, I. M. "Care and Maintenance of Textile Products." Handbook of Sustainable Textile Production, Elsevier, 2016, pp. 555-579.
  3. Sarkar, A. K., and A. B. Choudhury. "Care and Storage of Shoes and Footwear." Handbook of Footwear Design and Manufacture, Elsevier, 2013, pp. 195-207.
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